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JPG File


Uses of JPG Images

You can use JPG images for photographs and other images that have millions of colors. JPG format uses a complex compression algorithm, so that you can create smaller graphics by losing some of the quality of the image. JPG uses “lossy” compression, which creates images by losing some of the image information. However, you cannot use the JPG format in images with text, large blocks of solid color, and simple shapes with crisp edges. This is because when you compress the image, the text, color, or lines may look blur or produce an image that is not as sharp.   

How to edit JPG files

If you want to edit JPG files, you need to have access to a photo or image editing software program. If you do not have installed a JPG editor, you can download the free-for-use GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). This program features most of the features that are similar to Adobe Photoshop. You can also use Google Drawings on Google Drive. However, this program has limited functionality as compared to GIMP.  When you select your desired image, you need to import the image directly into your workspace by using the ‘Import’ or similar command. Once you import the image, you can avail all of the editing tools available in your software program. You can edit images with color and contrast adjustments, sizing corrections, drawing options, and much more.