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No Cell Phones Sign: Printable Templates (Free PDF Downloads)


This printable “No Cell Phones Sign” is a safety sign that is used to indicate that the use of cell phones is prohibited in a specific area. This sign is typically found in areas where the use of cell phones is not allowed, such as in a classroom, hospital, or other designated quiet areas, during an exam, or in certain designated public areas where it may be dangerous to use a cell phone. The sign is usually with a white background and black lettering. The message “No Cell Phones” is written on the sign, along with an image of a prohibited cell phone. You can download and use this printable “No Cell Phones Sign” in the PDF version.

More printable signs

How to print this sign

Press the “Download” button to save the archived printable file to your computer. Once it’s finished downloading, extract the archived file and open it in your chosen PDF viewer program’s application. From here, you can use the Print option found under the “File” menu.
