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PNG File


Pros and Cons of PNG File

  • The image quality is not hampered even if it is compressed. 
  • You can use PNG file to save intermediate picture versions
  • It can process a large number of colors
  • You can have several levels of transparency with PNG files
  • It works with layers
  • You can add meta-data to the PNG file
  • They consume less space. 
  • PNG file does not suit animated pictures
  • It is difficult to process full-color images with Png files.
  • You can’t store several images within one file

How to edit PNG files?

You can use the XnView program to edit PNG files. You can also use the Microsoft Windows included graphics program called Paint, the Windows 10 Paint 3D tool, the popular GIMP utility, and the popular Adobe Photoshop to edit PNG files.

Uses of PNG Files

PNG files can be very large at times and hence consume a lot of disc space. In such cases, you can also face difficulty in sending these files in email. They also slow down the web page when you open a PNG file there.   You can consider using these files if it doesn’t matter to consume so much space or slow web page loading, because PNG files do not compress the image quality like other lossy formats like JPEG files. 
  •  PNGs are useful when you deal with sharp contrast. For example, when there are lines or text in the image, as well as large areas of solid color, you can use PNG files. PNGs are best for screenshots and illustrations, while JPEG/JPG are suitable for “real” photos.
If you want to edit an image several times, then you can consider using the PNG format over JPEG. With the JPEG format, you will have to deal with the lower image quality after editing the image for several times as it involves generation loss. But PNGS are best to retain the image quality in such cases.