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Reserved For Handicapped Sign: Printable Templates (Free PDF Downloads)


A Reserved for Handicapped Sign is a sign used to indicate a parking space that is designated for use by individuals with disabilities. These spaces are typically located closer to building entrances and have wider spaces for easier access. The sign typically includes the international symbol of accessibility, which is a blue wheelchair on a white background. The sign is also often accompanied by a painted symbol on the pavement marking the designated space. The use of these spaces is typically restricted to vehicles displaying a handicap parking permit. You can download and use this printable “Reserved for Handicapped Sign” in the PDF version.

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How to print this sign

Press the “Download” button to save the archived printable file to your computer. Once it’s finished downloading, extract the archived file and open it in your chosen PDF viewer program’s application. From here, you can use the Print option found under the “File” menu.

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